
As an actor, I long to find ways to express myself and to explore the identities of other people. Acting allows me to delve into characters with many similarities with and differences from myself and in order to explore these identities, I have to be strongly sure of my own.

I am an actor, an artist, a catholic, a Hokie, a laugher, a Disney fanatic, and a life enthusiast.

Acting and Headshots textOnline, I am working on presenting myself more professionally and artistically – especially on Instagram. I love artsy photos and I love sharing the art of others. I share a lot of photos of my self and my daily adventures, whether seemingly mundane or wild. A lot of what I share on Facebook and other social media sites has to do with my art, but I also stay true to my goofiness. My roommates and I are always sharing New Girl posts or Disney quizzes, which really reflect my personality and my real life. I share what I am interested in: information about a new show or cast I am excited about, interesting videos, Humans Of New York posts, etc.

I want people who may encounter me online to know who I am and what I am passionate about. I want them to know my art, my compassion, my causes, and my humor. I want to be who I am and I love expressing every bit of it. I love what I care about and sharing that love in hopes of inspiring someone else.

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